Central Animal Hospital 250-376-7208

Parasite Control & Prevention

Year-round parasite prevention is essential to protect your pet from internal & external parasites.

Parasite Control & Prevention

Year-round parasite prevention is essential to protect your pet from internal & external parasites.

  • Parasite Control & Prevention
  • Deworming
  • Heartworm Testing

Parasite Control & Prevention

Parasites like fleas and heartworm are common in the winter months but are actually around all throughout the year. A parasite infection is difficult to treat but actually incredibly easy to prevent. All it takes is putting your furry friend under parasite preventive medications and making sure they come into our hospital for regular check-ups. Call us at 250-376-7208 to explore your options and ensure that your pet remains free from harmful parasites all throughout their lives.

How can you protect my pet from parasites or pests?

We offer medical-grade products that can provide your pet with immunity and protection from flea infestations and tick attachment, including topical and oral options. With parasite prevention, consistency is key so it is important your pet does not fall behind on their dosing schedule. Missing just one dose can leave them vulnerable to infection.

How can I tell if my pet has any fleas, ticks or other parasites?

With parasites, the first things you may notice are changes in your pet’s behaviour like excess scratching, licking or even that they are biting themselves. With flea infestations, you may also notice black pepper-like debris in the fur, known as “flea dirt.” This will be easier to see on pets with light-coloured fur. Ticks, on the other hand, are larger than fleas. They grow more and more as they continue to gorge themselves on your pet’s blood. Most people say that ticks look like small skin tags as the tick embeds its head under your pet’s skin, and only its body is visible.

What should I do if I find fleas, ticks, worms or other parasites on my pet?

Please contact our team right away. By treating your pet immediately, we can ensure the infestation does not worsen, and we can protect other animals and people in your home from catching whatever parasite your pet has. Yes, humans can get fleas and worms from pets!


A common misconception is dogs and cats only need to be dewormed as puppies or kittens. In reality, they need consistent deworming treatments all throughout their lives so they remain protected from harmful worms and other internal parasites. Is your pet due for their next deworming? Do you have any other questions about deworming? Call us today at 250-376-7208.

What is deworming in pets?

When your pet undergoes deworming, they are given drugs that increase their immunity against roundworms, tapeworms and other types of intestinal parasites. Some of the treatments come in oral form, while some can also be spot-on creams. There are many types of formulations for you to choose from depending on your pet’s needs and lifestyle.

How long does it take for deworming to work?

The medications act rather quickly. Same-day results are quite common. For example, if your pet already has worms, the medication can kill the parasites in a matter of hours.

How do I know if my pet has worms?

When it comes to intestinal worms, the warning signs that should alert you are softer stool, irritation around the rectum area and dragging of their rear. The main concern with worms, however, is there are often no symptoms in the early stages of infection or if your pet only has a small number of worms in them. Therefore, the best course of action is to take them to our team for regular wellness check-ups, so we can get ahead of worms and other potential health problems.

Heartworm Testing

When your pet has heartworm, they can suffer from severe organ damage that can be fatal if left untreated. Once inside your pet, a heartworm can grow and reproduce – up to 250 can live inside just one patient! Fortunately, regular check-ups and medications are easy steps you can take to keep your pet protected. We maintain careful records and use reminder systems so our clients are always aware of heartworm disease protection, but if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 250-376-7208.

How do pets get heartworm?

Just one bite of an infected mosquito is all it takes for your pet to get heartworm. After the bite, the heartworm eggs or pupae make their way inside your pet where they can grow into adults and reproduce with each other.

What are the symptoms of heartworm?

Heartworm is particularly tricky because there are hardly any symptoms during its early stages. Even as time goes on, your pet may not display any still if they only have a small number of heartworms in them. Some warning signs though are swollen stomach, fatigue, weight loss and coughing, which may only present at the later stages of disease progression.

What are the treatment options for heartworm?

First, we cannot stress enough the importance of regular check-ups and preventative medication! If your pet does get heartworm, your veterinarian may recommend any or a combination of the following treatments: oral medications, injections or manual removal via surgery (for severe cases).

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